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Kilronan School, Magherafelt

News - J3

2019/2020 School Year

8th Oct 2019
We are a fantastic class of energetic boys, aged 5 to 6. There are 8 super pupils...

2018/2019 School Year

15th May 2019
J3 love the story of the Gruffalo. As part of our environmental visit we decided...
1st Apr 2019
On our environmental outing today we went to our teacher's house to see some baby...
1st Apr 2019
J3 love to bake and decided to use our culinary skills to make some lovely buns...
1st Apr 2019
J3 are very thankful that we did not live along with dinosaurs! We pretended we...
5th Mar 2019
Things were a little 'pancake' in J3 today!! We learnt a new song called 'Mix a...
22nd Jan 2019
It's cold outside but J3 are learning about even colder places as they explore the...
11th Dec 2018
Some of us have made great progress learning to read this year. Please have a look...
21st Nov 2018
Our current topic is Outer Space. We are really enjoying this topic and are learning...
18th Oct 2018
We have been doing lots of work on pumpkins. We arranged pumpkins in order of size...